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Dog at daycare


Registration and Release

A Registration Form must be completed for any dog who wishes to take part in our wide array of services.

We do not require any paperwork for dogs utilizing self-wash.


We require all our pups to be current on the following vaccines:

RabiesDHLP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza)ParvoBordetella (AKA Kennel Cough)*We accept Titers testing for DHLP and Parvo.

We highly recommend all our pups to be current on the following vaccine:

Canine Influenza (H3N2 OR Bivalent – Both rounds)*We accept a signed liability waiver in lieu of CIV


Trail day, daycare, grooming, and boarding: 16 weeks and older*

Free puppy hour: 8 weeks – 18 weeks.

*We advocate for your dog 100% of the time. If age and mobility begin to affect the quality of your dog’s stay we may recommend a more comfortable alternative.


All dogs must be altered by 7 months of age. For the safety of all our guests, we do not make exceptions. We understand vets recommend large breed dogs be altered between 12 and 18 months and apologize in advance for any inconvenience this requirement may cause.